We take the protection of personal data very seriously and want you to feel safe when visiting our website. With this privacy policy we explain to you the type, the extent, and the purpose of the collection and usage of personal data by our webpage,AixPath GmbH
Henricistraße 50
52072 AachenPhone +49 241 9978 3350in the context of the Internet offer provided at https://aixpath.com/ (in the following “website”).
We utilize personal data solely for internal purposes in connection with customer relations. A passing on to third parties, unless otherwise regulated in the following, does not occur without your necessary consent.
Personal data are information with which a person is identifiable, thus entered information that can be traced back to a person. This includes the name, the email address or the telephone number. In addition, data regarding preferences, hobbies or visited websites are counted as personal data.
The legal bases of data privacy are stated in the German Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG) and the Telemediengesetz (TMG) as well as in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your Rights
By contacting our data protection officer using the indicated contact details, you can exercise the following rights at any time:
Provision of information regarding your data stored by us and their processing (Article 15, GDPR)
Rectification of incorrect personal data (Article 16, GDPR)
Erasure of your data stored by us (Article 17, GDPR)
Limitation of data processing insofar as we are not allowed to erase your data due to legal obligations (Article 18, GDPR)
Opposition against our processing of your data (Article 21, GDPR) and Data portability insofar as you have consented to the processing of data or have entered into a contract with us (Article 20, GDPR)
You can direct a complaint to a supervisory authority at any time, for example to the supervisory authority responsible for your state of residence or to the authority responsible for us.A list of supervisory authorities (for the private sector) can be found at: https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html.